Today marks a significant victory for the SOSÉ label venture as we celebrate the achievement of a major milestone: the completion of the track "Love Me Do Do Do."
This song's musical journey began around 2020, and now, thanks to the masterful work of the monstrously strong and talented engineer Benny Steele, the scud song is ready to be shared with the world. This tremendous steel effort has made the public release of this proof-of-concept track extract from the upcoming album of our flagship artist, artistically named Salomon, possible.
For a limited time, the song will be broadcast on major DSP platforms, fulfilling our promise to release it before 2025.
This is a true testament to Benny Steele’s dedication, and we also extend our heartfelt thanks to all the other engineers and advisors working in the shadow and behind the scenes, contributing to the completion of this digital piece.
the huge work of art and enginneering by Benny had been 100 persent funded by the streaming revenue of our flagship artist Salomon, to cograts benny's hard work here is the review we droped on his web page: "Benny is a real hero having deployed tremendous war zone gear to craft the Steele strong SCUD SOSE record track "Love me Do Do Do" while being dedicated patient and pro until the end".
Additionally, we thank all the people who have given their souls or who offered to give their souls to the project!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to push forward with our music journey!
"Love Me Do Do Do" Song release